PaX is not another portfolio review. Ho-hum, I bring my work to show and hear what I have to do to meet someone else’s idea of art. Or even worse, what I need to do to sell more work. This is not the concept of PaX.
PaX is a gathering of like-minded photographers joining together strictly for the purpose of sharing what each individual is doing. As a participant, you will be showing your best work. You will be explaining your vision; what you were thinking; the mood, idea or feeling you are trying to convey. Certainly, there will be questions and discussion, but this is not a review of your work. It is not intended to help you shape your artistic future. But more literally, you may help someone else shape theirs.
Participants are encouraged to tell the story of each photograph as it is shown. This is not a technical discussion, nor a place to market your wares. PaX is not about trying to remold your personal vision. One basic concept we all share is that photographs should be seen. Not used as filler in a storage box.
No, PaX is not a portfolio review, nor a tech-talk workshop, nor a sales event. It is a friendly gathering specifically for sharing the art form we all love. It’s about the art in photography. It’s not a review, but a gathering of photographers sharing what they do and why they do it.